Monday 24 October 2011

Snare and tenor drums

I had honor to work with Eight Bit Studios again recently. Made some drums drums for them, here they are:

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Spray Can (from my early days)

Today I bring you one of my early works from back in the day. This was the first high quality model I have done.

Notice that the texture is very high resolution and just like in the real version more complex colors are made from dots (for example orange = yellow and red dots)

Thursday 13 October 2011

3ds Reactor Engine + RayFire

I need to get myself a hold of RayFire. After trying out the demo I was amazed with the things it can do. Sharing the experience

Some 3ds max + After Effects works

I also like to combine applications for some amazing results. Well, this is a result of 3ds max + Adobe After Effects.

The first video is made to be an intro to mod preview videos of Ripthrough Studios (game modding team me and my friend Martin created.) Gun and bullet were rendered in 3ds with a transparent background and split to different maps (specular, reflection and so on.) Then panoramic background was set up in After Effects and camera data imported from 3ds. Later the muzzle flash, red square and particle system were added. After some color correction sound effects were added to make this composition.

The second video just for showcase. Glass was modeled in 3ds and after some heavy rendering everything was put together in After Effects. Procedure was same as the first video

Bass Drum

Recently I had honor to make some models for Drumline v3 from Eight Bit Studios. This is how the drum turned out
A very high poly drum for extreme closeups rendered in Mental Ray

MP40 3D model

Well, this one is kinda old (about a year old). I was making this MP40 model as a mod for Day of Defeat Source game, but it never saw daylight on the internet, because I didn't like how Source engine was interpreting animations (couldn't get them to be realistic.)
So without any further ado, here it is:

It is a medium poly model optimized for in-game, so it does not have right side.

First words

You are now proudly reading the first post of my blog. I'm not going to be wordy on this one, just tell why did I start this blog and what are my expectations and what should You expect from it.
So, after working with 3D and doing some freelance work, I decided it was time to set up a site to display what I do and attract more customers and people with same interests. The goal was to make the website as simple, although as informative as possible, but after doing this and that, trying out some CMSs and trying to get it done myself, I still found my sites to be either not attractive or too clogged with stuff. So after taking a little break and doing some more work I remembered Blogspot. Now what can be easier than a blog?
Here I will post my recent work and thoughts, footage and pictures, and so on. Think of this blog as a portfolio more than a blog, comment, criticize and maybe even order something.

Hope you to drop by again!
